Proposals for special sessions are invited to the World ective 2016 ordtinateurs engineering Congress. proposals for special sessions should include the title, objective and scope (including a list of major subjects), and the names of the organizers of the special session, as well as a short biography of all the organizers. A list of potential contributors will be very useful.
roposals special sessions will be evaluated according to the news, the uniqueness of the subject and the qualifications of the proposers. Proposers are expected to have a doctorate and have a good track record of publication in the proposed area. After review, a decision on the proposal will be accepted provisionally will be sent to applicants within two weeks after receipt of proposals. Provisionally accepted special sessions will be listed on the site. However, it is likely that provisionally accepted proposal will be combined with another to avoid multiple special sessions on a similar topic.
Manuscripts submitted for special sessions should be performed on the paper presentation site ective 2016. It is the responsibility of the organizers of the special session to ensure that the documents submitted to their special session clearly indicate the name the special session of the paper belongs. All items subject to special sessions shall be subject to the same review process by peers than regular paper. Special sessions with less than four accepted papers will be canceled and the accepted papers will be moved to the regular sessions.
All proposals for special sessions should be submitted to the presidents following special sessions:
Dr. Zhi-Hua Zhou (For neural networks and learning systems-related topics, hybrid neural network, the learning systems and technologies intelligent design). Documents submitted to this special session of track (if accepted and submitted) will be published in ICACE acts.
Dr. Uzay Kaymak (For fuzzy systems-related topics, fuzzy hybrid technologies and systems intelligence calculation). Documents submitted to this special session track (if accepted and submitted) will be published in the Proceedings of FUZZ-ICACE.
Dr. Zhang Mengjie (for calculation of the evolution of topics, hybrid evolutionary computation and technology intelligence calculation). Documents submitted to this special session track (if accepted and submitted) will be published in the Proceedings of the ICACE.
Dr. Chuan-Kang Ting (For interdisciplinary intelligence applications and computing). Documents submitted to the transversal applications and CI track special session (if accepted and submitted) will be published in one of the three procedures Conference that is most suitable for paper . Such decision will be taken by the organizers special session, in consultation with the Special Session Chairman and one of the three presidents of the Conference.
Is a coastal city in east-central Tunisia. It is distinguished mainly by its tourist activities. Indeed, it has become one of the most beautiful and largest resorts in the country and with its stunning coastal scenery, its privileged geographical location, beautiful hotels located in Skanes, with its beautiful white sandy beaches and also its rich cultural heritage. Monastir proudly displays its historical heritage and its monuments testify to a rich and glorious past: the Ribat, built in the 8th century, is the oldest fortress of the country and attracts thousands of visitors. The mosque and the mausoleum Bourguiba, who honor the memory of the first president of Tunisia are among the most beautiful monuments of the city.
The old Monastir has, meanwhile, warm and spontaneous universe. It is full of activities; it offers the spectacle of its streets with craft shops, carpet bazaar, or market spellbinding scents and vibrant colors. With the warmth of the sun, the mild climate and the purity of sea water, Monastir guarantee a dream vacation. The walks on the docks of the Marina allow visitors to feel the softness of the sea breeze and enjoy the outdoor cafes and restaurants. The apartments that are located in this resort offer wonderful sea views The city offers a wide range of leisure and sporting activities. there are water sports and well equipped two golf courses. Scuba diving can also be practiced, horseback riding, tennis and archery. cultural motivation trips are also available.
The international airport of Monastir Habib Bourguiba, Monastir dessert and more generally the whole of the Tunisian Sahel. Eight kilometers west of Monastir, on the territory of the resort of Skanes, it is put into operation in 1968 on an area of 199.5 hectares1. It is the base of operations of the Tunisian airline Nouvelair.
ICAT "International Conference on Advanced Computer Engineering" will offer a limited number of travel grants:
• The students (undergraduate or graduate level, in all countries)• Professional researchers from developing countries
which have one or more documents to ective conferences. An application system will be used for both students and professionals.
• Membership of the ICA EC
• "Evidence University of presence" in - head of the university certifying that the student has at least 50% of a normal full-time studies program as the first registered student or graduate in a regular cycle during 'studies.• A "letter of recommendation" of the supervising professor on letterhead of the university student that the student is the main contributor to the paper.
• Being a senior member of the ective.
• Be the author or co-author of a paper accepted to the conference actually attend the conference and present the paper.
• A "contribution letter" confirming that you have contributed to at least 50% of the research presented, including letter paper, the identification number and the co-author name of each item.
An events speaker presents speeches on areas of their expertise to a live audience. There are various job duties for events speakers, such as being an emcee, a member of a panel, or a keynote speaker. Events speakers present at conferences, seminars, and workshops locally
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Complete this form if you need to request a substitute presenter for your paper other than one of the co-authors.
An events speaker presents speeches on areas of their expertise to a live audience. There are various job duties for events speakers, such as being an emcee, a member of a panel, or a keynote speaker. Events speakers present at conferences, seminars, and workshops locally